Wondershare DemoAir
DemoAir is an easy-to-use screen recorder to capture your screen and webcam to create a video message for better communication.
While there may be several options to convey messages across platforms, video messaging is one of the most effective ways to do it. Almost everyone uses a video messaging tool for recreation, formal presentations, company meetings, and discussions.
When almost everyone is working remotely, one of the most efficient ways to explain instructions is video messages. Before going into the different concepts of video messaging, this article will take you through some of the good concepts videos in communication have.
Benefits of Video Messaging
With more people working remotely comes the demand for immediate communication and globalization in businesses. It made a video messaging tool on-demand to relay information no matter your location instantly. Sure, issues on video quality and better internet connectivity in some areas; however, video messaging proves to be one of the most effective ways to communicate to other people.

Videos can create discussions with the audience. Because they present great visuals from colors to movements, videos develop deep connections and strong emotional responses. This, in turn, will make viewers want to like, comment and share. With several social media channels today, video can indeed create a buzz.
What Can You Do with Video Messages?
• A Video Drives Sales Revenue
Videos have the tools to capture the attention of potential clients. Video content is increasingly making three-quarters of internet traffic worldwide. With visual cues in your sales strategy, you can create and innovate product presentations for your target audience.
• Capture Clients’ Feedback
Feedback is essential to promote growth in a business. With your client’s feedback, you can improve the customer service experience and foster positive changes in your product or company. Creating videos of your clients giving feedback on your product or service will build trust in your brand and add social proof.
• Manage Remote Teams
Since working from are getting increasingly popular today, video conferencing and video chats are what companies do to manage their members remotely. Instead of providing instructions through emails, team leaders can relay tasks through video messaging, and in return, members get to give feedback and raise questions from the tasks assigned. It makes discussions efficient.
• Collaborate asynchronously
This time of collaboration involves no time constraints. Instead of emailing your questions or feedback on a topic, you can record a video and send them anytime, in a format where your receiver can easily access it. It’s like a collaborative interaction that is not real-time. Few examples of this include on-demand video messages, recorded meetings, training videos, and video lessons.
• A Video Captures and Holds Attention
Visuals are a vital factor in attracting one’s attention. In this case, videos can draw people’s attention compared to just a text or photo. Whether you are marketing a product, campaigning for a cause, or want to send an important announcement, remember that your eyes will always spot first movements.
• Drive Organic Traffic from Websites
Organic traffic refers to any traffic coming from all search engines and is earned, however not paid. Your video on the page will not only make traffic from video-specific search but also increase relevance to specific queries, your rankings, and visibility in universal search.
Wondershare DemoAir
DemoAir is an online screen recorder to record your desktop, browser tab or webcam only and share video message directly to different platforms.

Videos Can Also be Used in the Following Fields
Coworker Collaboration
Perfectly-made videos can interpret complex information in a short period. While it still depends on your target audience, an individual can process visuals more quickly than texts. People tend to remember a story quickly rather than just a list of facts.

1. Virtual Introductions
It’s straightforward video content where you introduce yourself to new colleagues. However, you put a more personal touch on it than emails.
2. Training FAQs for Employees
Produce video content answering common organizational questions to free up the team leads’ time and create autonomy.
3. Meeting Reviews
There can be instances when your members will miss meetings. Instead of summarizing them through paragraphs, you can put more visuals on it by making a video highlighting the key points and ideas in the meeting. This way, those who missed it can effectively review and take notes.
4. New Software Presentation (to teams at work)
If you are rolling out new software in your company, a video is the best way to present it. Your colleagues need to see how the software looks and how it works, so they can also market them on their own.
5. Employee Appreciation Announcement
Since almost everyone now works remotely, it can be a challenge for team leads to acknowledging one’s efforts personally. Having a video announcement to congratulate employees for a job well done gives motivation and warmth. It’s a more personal approach than just writing them an email.
Customer Success Teams

1. Customer Support
Answering customer questions can now be done through a video messaging tool. May it is complex questions; one can simplify them through videos and screen sharing.
2. Software Update Explanations for Your Customers
Go beyond mere software presentation. Create videos to explain and demonstrate software updates and product releases to your clients.
3. Contest/ Giveaway Announcement
Games and contests are always one of the most exciting parts of the organization. Generate more buzz in your company on the new contest by producing video promotions and even share them online for a larger reach.
4. Welcome New Clients
Send personal and thoughtful videos to your newest clients. This way, they can feel that they are more welcomed; this, in turn, will result in a better working relationship.
HR Teams

1. New Hire Intros
Gone are the days when you let your new members introduce themselves face to face. They can introduce themselves to the team by recording a video. This way, they can even choose a background for their recording to make it more personal.
2. Job Offer Invites
Recruitment has also stepped up its game and tapped video messaging to get new hires. Suppose you wanted to invite potential teammates to your company; you can ask them through a video.
3. New Hire Onboarding
Welcome the new employees through a personal video message from all the members of the company. It sends more warmth than just mere receiving them.

1. Teacher FAQs for Students
With the remote setup schools offer now, teachers cannot immediately guarantee a complete understanding of students’ lessons. Teachers can produce a video answering all possible questions from their students, and they can update those content as often as they want. This way, students can review the FAQs if they are confused about something school-related.
2. Assignment
Students indeed will have questions on their assignments every time. Just like presenting a math equation to the students, you can provide instructions through video messaging. Since there is no limit to the content’s length, you can thoroughly explain the task with visuals.
3. School Tours
Before social media, you can see a glimpse of schools through brochures. But today, you can provide prospective students anywhere in the world with an in-depth and comprehensive campus tour anytime. Some even just search the internet for videos of schools they potentially want to enroll in. For a school admin, you can create a detailed video showing all the school’s assets and facilities for potential enrollees.
4. Study Abroad Updates
Catch up with family, friends, and classmates from anywhere in the world, regardless of time zones. You can even organize a group study session if you want.
Finance, Legal, and Operations Team
1. Budget Reviews
Discussions on organization budgets require investing longer hours. You can rely on video conferencing so everyone can input feedback, suggestions, and questions. However, if time is limited, you create pre-recorded videos from a video messaging tool presenting the budget review and ask for comments from your team members after viewing the content.
2. Contract Term Reviews
Contacts, either between key stakeholders, investors, or employees, are very critical. There should be a proper discussion and confirmation that all parties understand and agree to conditions in the contract. The most effective way to get results in real-time in this situation is through video conferencing. This way, both parties can also sort out differences and agree to terms before giving the partnership or a project a go.
3. Review a Contract
Reviewing a contract can be a handful, especially if the schedules of involved parties do not meet. The organization can have a pre-recorded presentation of the agreement, but the feedback will not be real-time. Have an in-depth review of a contract through video conferencing. With this, you can get direct inputs from involved members.
4. Corporate Compliance Meetings
Ensure every member is compliant and collaborate with stakeholders to answer queries and keep updated on filing requirements. Here, you can produce a video that walks through steps on all legal requirements each company member must comply with.
Video messaging is as powerful as you can imagine. It’s so helpful that you can utilize video content so your company can drive traffic and sales, get potential clients and promote your product and service. At the same time, companies can also use videos to provide instructions among members and even make them a medium of instruction, especially in the work-from-home school setup.